Why your
tools and tactics from 3 years ago
are not working
Today, the importance of having your own standalone online shop is decreasing. About 50% of online sales goes through Amazon or ebay, the margin is falling and there are hundreds of new traffic channels you have to watch and play actively.
Unique selling points
To identify and properly communicate USP propositions becomes very important in an environment where price and trust are the only hard currencies an e-commerce offer can leverage for sales as everything can be compared by a click.
Becoming a one-of-a-kind
If everyone does it that way, it has to be right, right? We will show you why it is important to find your edge to competitors and to the “mainstream”.
NextGen user experience
UX has long been an integral part of (modern) e-commerce. But if we aim to take our e-commerce or webshop to the next level, we also have to lift the user experience.
Challenges in E-commerce today
The problem is obvious. For most products selling online today, you will have a hard time avoiding the big platforms like Amazon, eBay, Etsy and Co. Your own online shop loses traffic and importance. And as if that was not enough, these platforms often use brazen stitches to push the sales price down. It is all about the price, which means that almost the entire margin along the “feed chain” is lost.
This form of centralization makes life more confusing, cost-intensive and often less profitable for many online shops.
How we will boost your conversion rate
How we will boost your conversion rate
How to escape mediocrity in modern e-commerce
It takes a lot of effort and skills to stand out in a saturated online market with its own webshop - but there are ways and methods to do so. Even with years in experience we don’t know in advance what leads to success. The only way to find out for sure is trial & error. What we do know now are many things that will work - but even more importantly, things that will not work. This will save you important time and money for many unneccessary trials.
Besides that, it’s always of a mixture of a lot of things which makes an online shop outstanding:
- a large product portfolio
- customizable products
- extra services, like free returns, invoice payment, hire purchase
- investments in UX and simpler user interfaces
- better customer communications
that play an important role in a modern online shop across all devices. Simply try to improve everything you usually cannot influence or improve on Amazon or Ebay. Also added values for the customer, such as additional service offers or personal support, are particularly short on platforms.
Especially innovative features like augmented reality (AR) or voice commerce stand out from the crowd and can create unique and real added value for your users.
The possible uses are almost limitless, especially when it comes to AR. Whether it is the virtual trying on of clothes, the projecting of furniture or furnishings into the corresponding room or the virtual measurement of a new kitchen.
All of these options have one thing in common: They take the customer by the hand, making the experience as pleasant and easy as possible and answering questions like “Would these pants suit me at all?” proactively. When used correctly, this experience should "connect" with your customer and influence the purchase decision positively, as the traditional sales person once did.
Our know-how, your stand-out webshop
UX in NextGen E-commerce

Additional proven examples on how to optimize UX can be just the offering of a new payment method, such as installments.
Better search and filter options as well as direct contact methods like a personal chat and a ticket system make life easier for both - your customer and yourself.
Even automatic order status updates and after sales engagements like special offers etc. add great value.
Taking this to the next level - in order to make life as easy as possible for today’s average user, offering a meaningful, linked UX across devices and channel boundaries should be the number one priority when it comes to user experience. For instance, if an user already filled out half a form within your webshop via smartphone, later returns to his desktop and is able to resume his half-filled form, it will definitely leave a positive impression as it is not (yet) expected.